Friday, May 20, 2011

GW admits to blatent stealing from the australians

Well over on my favorite site to browse 3++ is the new black someone from the Australian wing of GW decided to try and explain their position on the trade embargo they are imposing on the European independents. Here is the letter

Little update in case you haven heard about it yet. GW has decided to stop all independents in Europe from having overseas sales. Now that doesn't sound to devious right, I mean there are retailers there too right. Well kiddies there are but it seems that the plastic they make there is gold plated. Don't believe me Check out GW AU prices... The exchange rate is currently $1 American = $1.697 Australian

So that tactical squad there for $63 Australian would be like us paying $66.33 American for it. (you thought the 15%-20% increase was bad...)

So the letter says that the Australian dollar has gotten stronger by leaps and bounds over the rest of the world. Then it goes on to say that they don't care because they "know" what the exchange rate "should" be and that is why they are forcing Australians to pay their ridiculously inflated prices.

"But Fitz your an American?" i hear you ask.

Yes I am an American and I don't feel the sting as much as the Aussies down south. But I also believe in treating people fairly and just doing right. This nicely worded letter can be summed up in plain lingo.


Well GW.... I don't know what to say. I have 3 unfinished armies sitting here that, lets face it, are just not going to be completed this fiscal year. Good luck with that profit thing I hear so much about.

Reading the comments on 3++ and people trying to give resolutions to the issue I thought of something. If the player base supports it why doesn't GW open a plant down south? I might be talking out of my ass here as there might not be near as many players there as I think there are, but like I said if the community is large enough to support it why not set up shop and get around the trade tariffs?


  1. There aren't as many players as you think in Oz, our population is only 20 mil.

    Regardless, thank you for your support. Us Aussies are tired of always paying more "because you are down under". We pay double for all computer games, even if they come from Steam. We pay double UK RPP for Warhammer, anything that seems remotely interesting or fun is probably stupidly priced as well.

  2. I love this part:
    ...some customers have suggested we halve our prices...we both know that customers who are motivated by price are not going to change their behaviour if it was any less than that.

    GW doesn't think much of it's customers apparently. Anyone who looks at price tags is unreasonable and a lost cause.

    I understand cost of doing business raises. But seeing price increases of about 31% on the majority of items in the past 3 years stinks of a bad business plan. They've continually overextended themselves financially. And rather than re-examine cost and strategy they continue with the status quo of overspending and price hiking, assuming the customer pocket is infinitely deep.
