Sunday, January 2, 2011

Running tournaments.....

I know its been a while and Im not gong to bore you with why I havent been posting so onto it.

For the last umm... year I have been running the local 40k tourneys and as much as I bitch about it Ive been having a good time doing it. This all came about because the players who had been running the games in my exodus to the far frozen north I guess finaly had enough of it and couldnt take it anymore. So seeing as I didnt want the hobby to sstart slipping in the local area I took up the reigns and ran with it.

here is the story (names and facts changed to protect the innocent)

On a blisteringly hot day here in south florida I was painting the begining of my deathwing army and there came a knock on the door. Wipeing the sweat off of my face and unpeeling myself off of the leather chair I answered the door. There stood two men with arm loads of books notepads and a look of absolute fatigue.
"hi" I said
They said nothing as they entered my home and finding the first open space they dumped the material aon my kitchen table. Both of them went back to their car and brought in another armload of items and dumped them next to the frist pile.
One turned to me and said "Now Fitz are you sure you want to do this?"
"Ummm... yeah, sure." I said
The other one grabbed me by the shoulders and looked me in the eye. "May the Emporor have mercy on your soul." and with that they both left and sped away.
I looked at the pile and saw that it was all the notes, record sheets, and scenerios they had used for running the tournaments.
I skimmed through the top layer and saw that this was the frame work for running a well oiled machine and I was excited that they would give this to me for my new undertakings. Then halfway through the stack of papers I started to notice some small doodleings and some of the sheets didnt make sense. Random calculations and some small stick figures. So I pressed on.
Further down the stack I saw some larger detailed drawings with some symblos I didnt quite recognise that hurt my eyes if they lingered to long. The writeing had taken on a manic and obsessive pace. Then as I reached the bottom of the pile I almost vometed as I reached the last notebook. It was drenched in human blood and scrawled across the cover was the words "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!!".
I opened the cover and all I can say is now I have been enlightened by their studies. I went into the shop the next week and well, the rest is history.

And that is how I got to where I am today. The two guys have come back to gaming and are going to be attending my team tournoment next month. When I asked them about where they went for so long they said something about wandering in the desert looking for their souls or something like that.

So its shameless plug time.

COme to my tournament in sunny Ft. Myers Florida. 2/19/2011 at 2D10 games. Check out the rules and leave a reply at the forum

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