Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hey Im on another website

I started a 40k campaign at my local this weekend. got the maps set up, players ready to fight and answered a lot of questions about my rules.

So the first battles started, the chaos forces were sending a massive push into the one hive city that was on the line. Sweet I thought, until the imperial generals there said they didn't have enough points/didn't want to walk into that slaughter house.

So my dark eldar worked out a deal. For 10,000 souls and a can of diet coke the dark eldar will be working as a mercenary force for the time being.

My archon surveyed the battlefield and heard the enemy war host approaching. This was suicide plain and simple but if the enemy was ground to a stalemate it would give the forces of the imperium a chance to reinforce the lines elsewhere and stop this invasion before it began.

So it looks like the Ork player took a lot of pictures of the game and put it up on 40k online.
Here's the battle report.
Dark Eldar get their asses kicked

After the Dracon saw what had happened to the Acrhon and his forces in the city he grabbed the comm and called off the squadron of fighters. Their attack run into the city would be useless to dig out the chaos forces.

Now that the Archon is dead the dracon will take command of the forces on Peligro.
He looked to his retinue of trueborn warriors and said "Open a webway portal and bring forth more troops."
The trueborn nodded and pulled the brass cylinder out of one of his pouches. After a few seconds a Glowing blue portal hovered a few inches from the ground and new troops were already starting to come through.
The Dracon smiled and thought to himself 'Now to go renegotiate the terms of our agreement with the imperials.'

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