Thursday, December 15, 2011

bending rules till they snap, WAAC confessions

Yep I admit it. I am guilty of being a 40k asshat. I bent some rules the last weekend I was able to play 40k for an advantage and I have felt horrible about it since.

The charges
Fudging a roll
Firing more weapons on a tank than it is supposed to
Misrepresenting reserves vs. deepstrike
acting like a WAAC douche

The crime scene
I have organised a 40k campaign at my FLGS and like everything at my store it was initially embraced with open arms and I thought everyone was on board. After the first 2 weeks I found myself in as the only person on the imperial side with my deathwing that I didn't want to play and haven't looked at the book in over a year.

I played 3 campaign games that day against 2 different players on the chaos side.
The first game is where I am guilty of the first two charges.
I had Ezekiel in my force and he was with a squad of deathwing terminators. They were in close combat against a bloodthirster, 10 fiends, 6 plague bearers, and fate weaver. Needless to say it was a bad looking situation as I tried to bottleneck his forces in a valley heading toward an objective. The bloodthirster got one wound through to Ezekiel and I elected to use his power to pass a psychic test for an invulnerable. I made the roll with confidence and said "made it" before I even looked at both the dice. As i reached down to pick them up I then realised that i had rolled a 5 and a 6 failing the test.
I saw it, knew I failed and said nothing about it. My opponent caught it though and when he called me out on it I fessed up and removed Ezekiel.

The second issue in this game is firing more weapons than I should have with a vehicle.
I had a land raider crusader covering an objective that he had been dropping plague bearers on for 3 turn trying to claim it. I didn't have any deathwing in the area as they were trying to slow the main advance of the daemons.
I was firing the hurricane bolters on the land raider even when I was moving over 6".
In my defence I have been playing dark eldar almost exclusively since they came out and just plain forgot the defensive weapons rule. In my head the rule was "defensive weapons may always fire regardless of how far the vehicle moved." I was wrong.
My opponent didn't catch this and I fear that it had a huge impact on the game making it a tie where he would have had a minor victory. It wasn't until the next game where I realised the errors when my next opponent pointed it out after it was to late to change the result.

The second game went off without any cheating from me.

The third game was where my deepstrikeing/reserves misrepresentation happened.
I was playing against grey knights on the chaos side. (I know that is a whole issue onto itself that I wont rant about here) At the beginning of the game I decided to split my army and place half my squads in deepstrike. I told the other player by saying that I have 2 squads in "reserve". I meant deepstrike and didn't catch it.
Turn 4 of the game when the squads both decided to come in they dropped in the center of the board and my opponent protested, saying that he would have turned on warp quake if he had known.
Some history against this army, I have never beaten these grey knights. I can go out of town and play against other grey knights with confidence but these at my FLGS I have never come close. (They are the reason for most of the GK hate on my blog really.)
So what did I do I deepstriked the units anyways saying that I would have been a moron to put them in reserve to walk in from the edge and he should have realised and just to deal with it. That right there is a true WAAC douche move, and I did it.
The outcome of the game was not in jeopardy, both squads hit the ground and fired into some squads, then a turn later I assaulted his terminator, cotez, techmarine squad with 17 deathwing terminators and was wiped while killing 3 grey knight terminators. Net result of my cheating I killed 4 more grey knights then I would have if I had walked in from the board edge.
I was also being a asshat by calling the grey knight codex broken, over powered, no fun to play against and so full of cheese the shop should call an exterminator.

So in my closing statements I admit that I am guilty of these charges, I have a history of being a fun fair player and see this as a one time bad weekend, I was forced into playing a codex that I did not want to play.

So wargaming community, what is my sentence? What do I have to do to set this right again.

Stay thirsty my friends.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry for last post...
    Forgetfulness gets to the best of us, just try to avoid it (and the firing squad of trolls associated with it). But really, THE GREY KNIGHT PLAYER(feel the seething frustration), complained about demons 6in in his face? Your right another rant for another time

  3. Least you admitted to these charges, most WAAC asshats dont. Also "broken, over powered, no fun to play against and so full of cheese the shop should call an exterminator." is fully correct.

  4. When gentlemen commit actions that stain their honor, the correct action is to confess, ask for forgiveness, and buy the sinned against drinks (and cigars if they are so inclined). Gentlemen sinned against will understand and forgive, and move on. Friends will do both and then needle you about it until all parties find it humorous again!

  5. I get really frustrated when people use the term WAAC to describe what is actually cheating douchebaggery.

    Now, I recognize you admitted to what you did and apologized, and I'm not coming after you.

    But people that typically say "WAAC" to describe: cheating, assholishness, following the rules, having a tough army.

    There is just WAAY too much thrown into that basket. What you did was not WAAC. It's cheating. Taking a powerful army list is not WAAC. It's taking a powerful army list.

    All these pejorative terms that just serve to make people feel a bit better about the way they choose to enjoy the game by showing "how much better" they are than the big bad boogey men on the other side. Sheesh.
