Monday, July 25, 2011

No tourney but a battle report!

So there weren't enough guys there to hold the 1500 pt tourney so me and the other guys that were there threw down and had a 3 way 2200pt game. We used one of the scenarios that we were supposed to use during the day. 4 objectives is the primary a dropping and scattering objective is the secondary and kill points as the third. The 3 armies involved were IG DE and Daemons.

So I did it up on vassel for your viewing pleasure.
Warning pic heavy.

Its not perfect but this is the best I can do in vassel terrain. 5 buildings and ruins. some hills and bushes. Simple enough.

The Ig won the roll and chose to deploy in the top left and turned the building there into a firebase. I got stuck with the middle and just a low ruin that wasn't high enough to block any of my skimmers. Not even a cover save... I thought I was screwed.

I threw the die to seize and low and behold I rolled a 6. Sweet let the souls fly. Moved the raiders into the ruin, the gunships around the flanks, and the wyches right up the middle. 2 of the venoms have trueborn with blasters in them and they swept around the right to try and get cover. The other one with warriors in it ran right into the ruins and immobilized itself. Shooting was a little light since I either moved the raiders too far or the warriors weren't in range. Beat down one command squad, and did some damage to the chimeras.
wyches double charged the 2 squads outside the building and almost wiped them. he killed 1 in return but held.
The daemons drop in. I don't know why but the daemon player always tries to go after me as soon and as hard as possible. He cant charge this turn but has deathstrike and fires at some raiders, flickerfields save me though.
Ig turn 1. The chimeras move to positions and pop smoke. Missiles wreck or blow both the Ravagers on the left flank. Some potshots at daemons and one of the princes takes a wound and a seeker gets blown back to the warp. Some shots at the wyches but with the pain tokens they make their feel no pain saves.

Trying to get out of the ruins two of the raiders immobilise themselves. The warriors hopped out before hand because I see where the fight is going to be. "This ruin is the Alamo! We hold here!" The raider with the tooled up trueborn moves north to engage the seekers. The look on the daemon players face when i picked up my entire dice cube and then fished out some more to shoot at him was priceless. The Duke, 7 trueborn with carbines, and 2 with splinter cannons all in a rider with splinter racks. The seekers were forced screaming back into the warp. The venom and the warriors to the south fired at the plaugebearers and killed over half the squad. The wyches assault the third squad of IG, wiped them and pulled back into the cover of the building.

More daemons show up. the bloodletters show up in the killing field to the north. More blood crushers and another prince. Plaugebearers behind the cover and he started moving in. The only thing that was able to get to combat was a prince that whiffed on a raider.
The Ig blast away. Dropped a raider in the ruins, shot some of the wyches up. I forgot to put it here but he fired a lascannon at the wyches, I got all smug and decided to put it on the archon. I promptly rolled a 1 on the shadowfield... dammit. The hydra fired at the daemon prince and cored his face when the prince rolled 3 1s for armor saves.
Here is where I screwed up again on vassel. I had another raider skulking behind the ruins and it got wrecked by the IG last turn. The ravager on the right blasted the lemen russ and did nothing. trueborn fired and killed a squad of blood crushers. killed off skull taker. finished off the plague bearers and the squad of 5 from the venom got out and charged the daemon prince so he couldn't charge me the next turn. The remaining wyches assaulted one of the sentinels trying to latch on a haywire grenade and nothing happened.
Rawr! more demons showed up. the last squad of blood crushers landed off the table and were destroyed. The stink rolled in as the plauge bearers got closer and the prince and the herald of nurgle charged the raider and stunned.
Whole lot of nothing this turn. Everything scattered off target or was bounced by flickerfields.
The venoms moved around and fired around. Blew up the lemen russ with not the trueborn but the ravager finally did something. In the south I rolled every dice I had multiple times. The kills were, 1 bloodthirster,3 blood crushers, 1 demon prince, most of a squad of plague bearers. The trueborn piled out of the raider and with help of the squad in the ruins killed both the daemon prince and the herald. Completely had to ignore the IG infantry because of the weight of demon crap pushing in on me.

The remaining plaugebearers charged the warrior squad and they broke and fled.

The guard started to push in hard now. The trueborn in the north were blasted to hell and the venom they were in was immobilised and the weapons were blown off but it still hung on by its fingernails. The ravager had a weapon blown off. Stracken charged into the wyches and everybody whiffed.

The ravager moved in and blasted to the hydra taking off 1 autocannon. the trueborn loaded up and blasted the squad outside of the chimera. Warriors fired into the plaugebearer but couldn't get through the invuls and feel no pain. Stracken killed 1 of the wyches and got a wound back in return.
The storm troopers came in and fired into the combat with the warriors and plague bearers. Randomising the hits a few warriors were blasted away and the plaugebearers lived though it. The last wych went down but she took stracken with her.

Squad in the south rallied and started to move toward the closest objective. The ravager moved in to get the hydra but no dice. Trueborn blasted into the stormtroopers but the cover saved alot of them. The southern most squad held the secondary objective firmly.
The guard squad piled out of the chimera and moved onto the close objective. There were some shots fired but nothing game changing happend at the end.

Over all the IG won the primary objective with 1 in control. And the DE won the secondary holding the objective and the tertiary. We didn't add up the kill points but with an entire daemon army killed by splinter rounds we assumed I got it. Had a good game and were all out and home by 6. Good day.

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