So I just got the updates to my Vassel program. While Ive never played a game on Vassel i have used it for play testing and now for battle reports. So without further ado here it is. Mostly from memory so some of the unit options and distances are fudged for my crap estimations.
I played a 2000 pt game against Will and his Boom brigade yesterday. He plays a custom vanilla marine chapter and his list went something like this.
HQ Lysander
HQ Pedro
Elites 9 sterguard in a drop pod
Troops 3x 10 marines w/ plasma cannon, melta gun, Sargent w/ p.fist in rhino
Heavy thunder fire cannon
Heavy Ironclad dreadnought in drop pod
Fast 9 Vanguard w/o jump packs w/ relic blade, p.fist, thuinderhammer in drop pod
My list
HQ Vect
Troops 4x 10 warriors w/ shredder, splinter cannon, raider w/ night shields flicker field and splinter racks
Troops 9 wyches Hydra gauntlet Raider w/ night shield, flicker field, enhanced aether sails.
Troops 10 wyches 2 Hydra gauntlet Hekatrix w/ agoniser Raider w/ night shield, flicker field, enhanced aether sails.
Heavy 3 Ravagers w/ FF,NS
Fast 2x 6 reaver jetbikes w/ 2 heat lances
So here is the deployment we rolled kill points with quartered deployments. He won the roll and decided to set up first. The building in his deployment was a 4 story monstrosity which he put the thunder fire cannon on the roof and reinforced its cover. I set up reactive to his mostly trying to get out of LOS of the cannon. I rolled a 1 for my combat drugs getting 3 dice for run moves. *bleh* But I had a secret Vect blessed the dice and I promptly rolled and seized the initiative.

Turn 1 moves was me trying to get out from behind the building with my raiders and my Ravagers swept to one side to take shots at the rhinos. 6 dark lances later and one rhino is exploded and all the marines were so surprised by this they were pinned in the wreckage. didn't kill any though.

No assaults from me this turn.
On his turn he came in strong with both the sternguard and vanguard led by Lysander and Pedro respectively. They opened fire on my poor jetbike squad destroying them utterly with all the special ammo and rerolling. Poor poor jetbikes. Thunderfire fired at one of the raiders but through cover and his gunner being cross eyed no damage was taken. Oh and all of his bolters were out of range. "remember your night shields kiddies"

alright now it got interesting, Vect came down from the building he was on and jumped out in prep to assault the sternguard. The other wych squad jumped out in front of our pinned friends and the raiders and ravagers fired into the building but the cover on the gun was too much for the dark lances to find their target.

The assault went perfect, well... almost. Vect directed all his attacks at lysander and he saved all but one. Killed a few sternguard with the wyches but their attacks back killed more wyches and I looked through the book. "Damnit Vect is fearless..." so after the squad was severely reduced we stuck in over there. The other Wyches killed all but the Sargent and he whiffed on his attacks. He failed morale and I caught him but he made his armor saves.

On the marine turn... no Iron clad. The vanguard saw the other squad of bikes behind them and went after them. Well there goes the other squad. I had even forgot to fire them in my enthusiasm to get to the assault phase. In the assault phase my Successful wyches killed the Sargent and consolidated into cover toward the rest of the marines. And vect and his wych group kept trying to beat on Lysanders group.

Dark eldar turn. I fired all the dark lances I had and blew up both drop pods. Everyone survived the blasts. Brought 2 raiders back to deal with Pedro and co. killing a few. Other raiders fired on marines in the building killing the marines on the ground floor.

Wyches in building assault the marines on the 2nd and 3rd floors. Vect and Lysander continue pounding. I get him down to 1 wound and Vect is hoping his shadow field keep saving because if it fails it will turn him into a pasty spot in the dirt.

On the marine turn The thuderfire cannon that has been missing or glanceing off of night shileds all day fires.... and continues its run of bad luck. The rhinos try a ram attack on 2 of the raiders. both just bang harmlessly off of the armor. Pedro and co. Fire at the clsest raider immobilizeing it and blowing off the dark lance.

In the assault phase Pedro assaults the raider blowing it up. 6 Warriors crawl from the wreakage ready to fight on. The wyches in the building continue to nom nom the marines in there. and it finaly happens. Vects field gives way and he is turned into a puddle. *damn* Lysander then takes a 5 inch massacre move toward the building.

Hmm I got something for them all... all of the raiders with warriors still in them move in and fire on Pedros squad. Make 26 armor saves Mr. Pedro. Yup thats what I thought. They all go down to splinter hell. Lysander thinking he had gotten away was vaporized by 6 dark lances. The tow raiders that had dropped off the wyches took pot shots at the thunderfire canon finaly destroying it.

Then the cluds parted and from the heavens came the iron clad. The drop pod hit and he popped out useing his heavy flamer and turning my warriors on foot into burning slag. The rhinos fired at the raiders to no effect and the thunderfire gunner charged into combat with the wyches in the building who killed off the last marine in the squad there.

With this Will conceded the game because he said he had run out of time. (I think it was that he realised that his iron clad was gonna get 12 dark lances next turn but w/e) We shook hands talked over his list and I made some suggestions for him. Will is a good guy he has been playing his marines for just over a year now and he is coming up in the tournament standings. Another quality W in the Dark Eldars colum.
So what do you all think about the new and improved "Vassal battle reps"?
ahh who am I kidding no one reads this blog anyways....