Monday, January 17, 2011

Making deamons Viable

So I have a friend at the FLGS that plays deamons. The cold hard truth is that he sucks with them. So after going over his list and seeing what we could do to help him with it some of us have come up with a few ideas.

Heres mine.

So I sat down with that damned book for an hour and came up with this, its not mono god but I think it has a chance to pop tanks and still ahve alot of deamonettes on friggin speed

HQ Keeper of secrets
HQ Masque
HQ herald of tzeench Chariot Bolt of tzeench
T 15 Deamonettes
T 15 Deamonettes
T 15 Deamonettes
T 10 Deamonettes
T 5 horrors Bolt of tzeench
T 5 horrors Bolt of tzeench
F 3 Screamers
F 3 Screamers
F 10 Deamonettes on Steeds
E 3 Flamers Bolt of tzeench
E 3 Flamers Bolt of tzeench
E 3 Flamers Bolt of tzeench

Primary wave will have 8 units
Keeper of secrets
3x 15 squads of deamonettes
Deamonettes on steeds
2x3 screamers
Secondary will ahve 7 units
Herald of tzeench
2x5 horrors
3x3 flamers
10 deamonetters for clean up/ reinforce where needed

Primary wave will get to the table and mostly try and hide in terrain. Secondary wave will come in and the primary will move in.

Secondary will use their ranges attacks. Mostly the s8 ap1 bolts to open tanks and transports. Screamers will assault heavy stuff since they are armed with melta bombs. Masque will dance up to 3 squads closer if they need to be or get them out of cover and then the deamonettes will go in doing their thing. squad of 15 has 60 rending attacks on the charge and unless they are 3++ terminators they wont live through that. Then the deamonettes massacre move into the wrecked vehicles or terrain for cover saves from the enemys shooting.

The shooty squads even have alot of lower strenght shots for killing infantry if there arent enough boxes on the board. Its not a perfect plan and I would love to have more reliable shooting in it but they are deamons what do you expect.

So I like this list. I might have even found my next army.... maybe... probably not.

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