Saturday, April 30, 2011

After action report

Had a local tourney today and I think I did good over all. i won best general behind Zack and his space wolf army. I got some shots of the games and will have a brief synopsis of my 3 games played.

Round one I pulled Zack with the space wolves. It was table quarter deployment and I won the roll. I chose the corner that placed him in the worst terrain. (who am I kidding I don't care what the terrain was on my side, I'm not going to be there too long) The primary objective was table quarters with only troops able to hold outside of transports. Secondary was to still be holding your deployment quarter and tertiary was to be holding the enemy's deployment quarter.
Now me and Zack usually have very bloody games and this was no different. We beat each other to a bloody pulp. At the end it looked like I had a chance to take it or pull off a draw when his unit of wolf scouts finally decided to come in and blow a warrior squad I had in my home deployment quarter off of the board. This gave him the primary secondary and tertiary. Crushing defeat for the dark eldar. It would be those damned scouts that cost me the whole tournament.

Some other shots from round one games.
Sisters circle the wagons deploying against tyranids

                                               Nids form a wedge to crack some immolators
Both forces grind into each other and with massive amounts of flame templates the sisters won out.

In the second round I played against Dirk and his Tyranids. Mow I have been playing against Dirk for going on 10 years and I have never beaten him. I went into this fight with one crushing loss and with his reputation against my armies I figured "oh well lets just try and have fun"

The deployment was pitched battle with seize ground the primary, secondary was the most non troop kill points, and the tertiary was a center objective that scattered before the game started right into my deployment zone.
Turn 1 He tried to do some sneaky shooting form inside of the buildings but I deployed on the back of my table side so it fell just barely out of range. My turn 1 I unleashed the full fury of the trueborn onto his left flank. Killing the screening gaunts with the venoms and wiping his entire warrior squad from the board with torrents of blaster fire.

The game progressed and I tried my hardest not to get out of my skimmers and played keep away from his bugs. He brought the DOOM and nuked anything not in a transport. I gave him volley after volley of blaster fire but after 3 turns and not being able to get through his invul save I said screw it and moved on to better targets.
His hive tyrant was able to get all the way to my side of the board and outright killed the Duke who's raider had been shot out from under him turn 1. I then used massive amounts of disintigrator fire to eventually drop him and his retinue. (I just have to say that I am awed by the amount of ap2 fire that I can put out with the DE and never get out of the transports. I built the list but damn I never added it up until i was at the tables)
In the end it turned into my venoms torrenting his gaunt squads and my warriors in raiders leap frogging a geanstealer unit that got me the win. After the game we said we should have kept track of the flicker field saves. i think I was in the high teens if not over 20 saves.
Crushing victory for the bad guys!

One shot from round 2 (the back tables were dark to say the least. Didn't look this dark in real life but it is what it is)
The guard fighting deamons, hard to see but here are hordes of the bastards moving up the center to munch on some tanks. The deamons won this one but it is mainly due to dice rolls. Nurgle and his guard having a bad dice day and Adam never rolling less than 9/10ths of his invul saves.

Round 3 I got to play against Adam and his deamons from the above photo. I felt bad about this match up from the beginning, not that he had a powerful army or list, no, it was that I knew he had no chance against my dark eldar whatsoever.
The deployment was dawn of war and it was a kill point primary. Secondary was to kill the most expensive HQ and tertiary was a center objective.
The deamons win the initiative and he deploys his primary wave. I hold everything off the board to come on turn 1. On his scatters he has a unit of plaugebearers fall off the board and he rolls the mishap and they die. Me being the sporting guy i am (and since we weren't on the top table) I tell him to just put them back in reserve.
He lands behind some buildings on his side of the board. I move on and it was the great 40k turkey shoot time. Even with night fight I was able to kill off a deamon prince and do some wounds to some blood crushers. Turn 2 almost the rest of his army comes in, and the original wave moves toward me as fast as they can. I hover forward six inches and bring the full weight of my firepower into it. I drop 2 more deamon princes a bloodthirster some blood letters a few plaugebearers and 2 blood crushers. His turn 3 he manages to get to me with 1 blood crusher, shaking a venom. My next turn I zip forward the wyches and have them charge into a unit of blood crushers and the next unit of wyches assault a unit of blood letters. I just wanted to see if my assault specialists could take out his assault specialists. The rest of my army keeps pouring the fire on. Dropping another unit of bloodcrushers, a unit of blood letters, a herald, and 2 plaugebearer squads. He has nothing left but the 2 units I charged which the wyches drop 2 out of 3 blood crushers and a few blood letters. I win the combat and he looses some more letters to instability. His turn he brings the skulltaker out from behind cover and charges to assist the blood letters. I cant say enough good words for the wyches in assault with someone with power weapons. Its just a beautiful thing when you dodge over and over again. This turn I finish off the blood crusher. My turn there is nothing left for the army to shoot at and the wyches charge into the skulltaker and bloodletters already in combat. Killing the bloodcrushers and leaving the skull taker with only 2 wounds left. The rest of my army circle around the skulltaker waiting for the unthinkable to happen and ready splinter rifles "just in case". Well he goes down like a sack of bricks the next round anyways.
Tabled the deamons and total loses for the dark eldar was 5 wyches.

The deamon wall running forward at the top of 2. As the TO commented yes I was being a dick and lined up napoleonic style against it, hey it works right.

Overall i was happy with the way the DE played today and if it wasn't for one unit of wolf scouts I might just have taken it all.

Oh the list was this

HQ the duke
HQ 2x haemonculus with agonisers
Elites 3x4 truborn with blasters venom with extra splinter cannon.
Troops 2x9 wyches no upgrades in raider with flickerfield and disintigrator cannon
Troops 2x10 warrios 1 blaster in raider with flickerfield
Troops 9 warriors with blaster in raider with flickerfield (the duke squad)
Heavy 2x ravager with 3 disintigrators and flickerfields
Heavy Ravager with flickerfield

that's enough 40k for tonight I'm going to bed. 

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