Sunday, April 10, 2011

New army... crap....

So its time again for me to start looking toward a new army (#3 of the year and its only April *facepalm*) but I didn't know how to go about doing it. So Sitting at the local store with a few of the guys I put my options on a sheet of paper and numbered them.

The rule for going on the paper was that it could not be an army that I have completed in the last 3 years, it could not be something that was over represented in the local area, and it could not be grey knights. (I'm not hopping on the GD band wagon)

Here was the list

1 Imperial guard
2 Necrons
3 Witch hunters
4 Chaos Deamons (because I love to punish myself)
5 Tau
6 black templar
7 eldar

So I looked over at Rob and said
"pick a number 1 through 7"
the that Rob replied
"what? why?"

"I'm not telling, just pick."

"Fine then 5... Whats that look on your face? Did I do something wrong?"

I asked for a blindfold and a cigarette, because this is going to be the death of me.

So it looks like I am going to build a Tau army... at least I have the firewarriors for it from my last failed attempt at them some time ago. besides with everyone playing the shiny marinez maybe this will be the key to stopping them.

Whats the rail gun say to the dread knight?

I don't know either but I just might find out.

For the greater good and all that crap

(I got to get better at that)

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