It was a list I play strictly for fun and there is a new guy that wants to make an ork army and see them in action so we decided to have a last stand type scenario for the guard.
My list was warboss
10 Nobz w/ painboy
15 lootas
5x 30 boys w/ nobs and power claws
30 grotz
His list was
leman russ generic
leman russ demolisher
3 veteran squads
2 infantry platoons
master of ordnance
alot of other lasgun toting guys
here it is after the first turn (I forgot to take a picture of set up)
I also apologise to everyone in the room as my fly was way open when the picture was taken, good looking out Dirk.
I got the first turn and ran forward with the bulk of the force. Blasted a squad with the lootas and hid the grotz in the ruins that held the objective in my deployment.
He moved 2 squads forward in a picket line formation and blasted me with 3 templates. The guy watching the battle summed up the ork horde army the best. "I know he killed 15 orks but I cant tell where."
Well the horde waaaghed the next turn and I was in combat across the front. What was left of 4 mobs and the warboss with the nobs crashed into his lines. The picket line worked and the mobs blasting the center were stopped 6 inches from the main imperial force staring down their barrels at them. The Valkyrie and vendetta failed to show up and his tanks and hundreds of lasgn shots later the nobs are gone but the warboss soldiered on alone. And the two other mobs in the center started to run since he got them to 7 and 8 models respectively and of course they booked it.
Turn 3 I charged the warboss directly into his center horde of guardsmen. (hey if your gonna go out go out with a bang) and the mobs on the flanks pushed into his center. The warboss thrashed around alot but only got one wound on the squad and he wounded the warboss in turn so the combat drew. The squads on the flanks ground to a halt when the difficult terrain tripped up both of the mobs. In his turn I got to see his special action squads in action... the demo charges. Of course they didn't deviate and bang the two flank mobs were cut down. No big deal I said I have tow mobs behind them.
Then 4 fraking difficult terrain stopped the reinforcements from doing anything except blasting at them with sluggas. The warboss thrashed around again and didn't kill enough to get them to run. His command squad charged into the combat but whiffed. Then the vendetta and Valkyrie showed up. Blasted the hell out of the mob on my left flank and the 2 imperial squads blasted the ones on my right. The mob was able to get into cover near the objective and hug it for dear life.
After that I realised that the ork train has come off the rails. So in good ork conscience i had to keep moving forward so the squad broke cover and assaulted a squad that had come to close.
Then after that they went back into hiding. The blast templates rained down and even though I went to ground couldn't hold onto the objective. It was turn 5 and he flew his vendetta with squad inside to contest the objective in my deployment zone. He rolled the dice and we went to 6.
The lootas after wiping a squad a turn saw a juicer target and blew the Valkyrie out of the sky! Whoo hoo one for the good guys. Then the squad inside got blasted by my grots and force to fall back. It was tied up 1 to 1. Then on his turn he blasted the lootas with a battle cannon and they promptly ran away. Such is life I suppose. He boosted with the Valkyrie and it was starring down the grots.
So I rolled the dice and it went to turn 7... figures. Well I called the game since I had only a gtotz mob with 3 templates 4 flamers and a dozen lasguns staring at them. But in ork tradition I WILL BE BACK FOR MORE LATERZ!!
Her is what was left of the guard at the end.
and the ork dead pile. That's right 177 dead orks...
A great game good fun and there was so much death I was joking that I was going to flock the table since nothing makes the grass grow like ork blood.
Well back to work for another week but I'm sure Ill have something to post before too long.
Laterz people.
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