Alright guys I'm sorry its been a while and I apologize for the forthcoming wall of text.
I have got a house so everything that was up in the air is finally settling back down with that. I have moved a whole 1 mile..... seems kind of pointless doesn't it. Well that's enough of that.
This week has been huge for me gaming wise. My friend Todd and fellow Dark Angel has decided to sell his deathwing and I was there to et them from him. With these beautiful models there has been some armor support brought to the wing. Now I'm up over 4000pts of terminators and supporting troops. The rebaseing has begun and I think I'm gonna leave them in their color scheme since they are the parent chapter and I can use them as the elites in my army after I fill out the troops with my terminators. *grin* 9 squads of terminators.
Before that this week though I played in a 12155pt semi Apocalypse grand gameapaloza! Actually it started as a 4000pt game and grew whenever someone entered the store before we started. It was deathwing, blood angels, chaos deamons, and a vulkan vanilla chapter against a vanilla chapter and imperial guard.
Wow... We were concerned about time so both teams had their captains running hurry up on everyone and we blurred the lines on the phases a little for time concerns. But in all we got done in 4 hours. There was so much death and destruction. My team of course lost. I'm not saying it was me or my teammates that lost it for us. Even though there were some greater deamons on the board that mulled around for 4 turns not in close combat and I was forced to hold objectives with assault marines and sanguary guard because no one else apparently saw them there. But yeah we lost. I'm not disappointed in my boys showing because their kills in this game were as follows.
3 leman russ variants 3 Bassalisks, 2 tactical squads, 4 imperial guard squads, 2 sentinels, 2 Rhinos, 2 Preadators, 1 vindicator, most of a squad of terminators, 2 dreadnoughts, and a thunderfire cannon.
We had it towards the end but of course it went to turn 7. I have discovered that the deathwing peak at about 5, can hold on for 6 and get tabled at 7. It was the same here. I was down to 3 terminators at the end. It happens. (too much)
Back to the acquisitions for this week. Todd is a great guy and a ton of fun to play against. The only reason he is selling his guys is because he needs money. Now I have been sworn to secrecy about what he has done but yeah he does need it. So I bought the boys. It was Belial w/ thunderhammer, 15 terminators w/ assorted weapons, a land raider, a land raider crusader, a drop pod and 2 dreadnaughts, a fire support with lascannon missile launcher and a classic assault cannon close combat weapon one.
The paint job on all the figures is excellent and I have to give props to Alex the painter but I have already rebased the models to fit in with my army and I'm looking into painting a little damage into the raiders. They look like thay have just rolled off the line.
I have also got my order in from GW and after fretting over it for a few days I received all 15 of my melta guns. I'm so happy that GW did the free shipping in April. It was cheaper to buy 3 than it was for 2 and shipping. So the rearming of the bikes has begun as well.
I have met some of the newer players that are going to be a part of the league this summer. They are enthusiastic and ready to take the first steps to glory with their chosen forces. Like Ive said before if you are in the ft. myers Florida area and want to get in on a escalation league we are going to start on june the 8th. There will be rules and schedule posted on the stores website
Also (I told you it was going to be long today) I don't know how I let this happen. 'Ard Boys is in 2 weeks and I didn't even realise it. What happened I thought It wasn't for like another 6 months this cant be rig... wait its may... man I need to pay attention. So Ive been working on a 2500 pt list for Ard boys over the last... 12 hours and here is the first draft.
HQ Belial
Standard bearer
HQ Librarian
Terminator armor and combi melta
Troops 5 dethwing terminators
Troops 5 dethwing terminators
lightning claws
Troops 5 dethwing terminators
assault cannon chain fist
Troops 5 dethwing terminators
assault cannon chain fist
Troops 5 dethwing terminators
assault cannon chain fist
Fast Raven wing squadron
2x melta guns a powerfist and a attack bike with a multi melta
Fast Landspeeder squadron
2 land speeders w/ multi meltas
Fast Land speeder squadron
1 land speeder w/ multi melta
Heavy Land raider
Heavy Land raider crusader
This is subject to change since I made it in a panic knowing I only had 2 weeks to make and test a list. Hmm I'm only going to get one day to test this... Well next weeks post will be full because Ill rope everyone into a game or 3. Since I'm going into this one blind a dumb I don't expect to do much but last year in Kentucky I placed in the final round before Chicago with tyranids so I have high hopes that I will be able to make something work.
Bolter beach is also approaching fast and it is just over the horizon at the beginning of June. So in the next 5 weeks I have 3 tournaments and one overnight stay in Sarasota. One of these days I'm gonna have to get a job that pays in this hobby so I can write off all of this travel.
So this ends another long winded post of mine. One of these days I'm gonna figure out how to stop typing this much, but until then.